Hannah Rees Counselling and Psychotherapy Oxford Circus, Central London and Southgate, North London

The Therapeutic Relationship

I believe that a relational and experiential approach to therapy is key healing.

At the core of my therapeutic work is establishing a collaborative relationship. I will support you in expressing yourself in a safe way drawing on a number of creative approaches to facilitate your growth and self-expression.

As a holistic and flexible practitioner I am finely tuned to meeting your individual needs to enhance your well-being and resilience.

About Counselling. seeds of life

A Creative Approach

The following creative ways of working are particularly powerful in getting to what lies beyond the words:

Drawing and making with various materials including Fimo
Creating a Ya Ya Box
Using OH Cards for self-discovery
Vocalising through sounding and singing
Expressing through movement and breath
Developing Mindfulness Practices
Releasing your Inner Child
Incorporating Constellation Work

About Counselling. new tree of life

Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is an important symbol in nearly every culture. With its branches reaching into the sky, and roots deep in the earth, it unites above and below.

By exploring the root of the problem together we can work on strengthening your roots in order to develop a good foundation for new growth and greater resilience. The tree strongly rooted in the ground is less likely to be damaged in the next storm.

The painting entitled Tree of Life, is by Gustav Klimt.

Mindfulness of the Breath - Creating a Breathing Space

"Use the breath as an anchor to tether your attention to the present moment. Your thinking mind will drift here and there, depending on the currents and winds moving in the mind, until at some point, the anchor line grown taut and brings you back"

Jon Kabat-Zinn, Mindfulness Meditation for Everyday Life

About Counselling. anchor2

Breath as Anchor Practice

Find a quiet place to sit...

With your spine comfortably straight and your feet on the floor.

Allow your body weight to sink into the chair.

Give yourself permission to pause.

Savour this moment right now.

Close your eyes if you feel safe doing this.

Allow your attention to rest on the movement of your breath.

Notice how the breath moves in and through you.

Notice where the breath is located...in your nostrils, chest, ribcage and belly.

Allow your belly to fill and deflate.

And if any thoughts come up, just notice them.

Return to resting your attention as if for the first time back on your breath.

Coming back to the breath each time

...as an anchor to the present moment, right here, right now.

If you found the above exercise helpful please contact me for further exploration of getting in touch with your breathing and Mindfulness practices which can enhance wellbeing of body and mind.

Counselling and psychotherapy in Oxford Circus, W1W and Online using Zoom with Hannah Rees, UKCP

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